Lake Conditions

DELAVAN LAKE DATA - October 10, 2024

a-2 Center:  Secchi Disc was 12 ft 0 in, Water Temp was 66.2 degrees, & Clear


Normal Lake Level is 927.10 (Winter) and 927.86 (Summer)

The goal for the DNR for optimal lake level is 927.89

Lake Level on October 10, 2024 was 927.79

Lake Level Readings

  • Lake level readings are taken upstream north of the dam.
  • Normal lake level is 927.86, which is the level set by Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
  • The lake level is monitored hourly, seven days a week.

Flow Measurement Readings

  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources requires the minimum discharge from the dam is 1/3 of incoming flow.
  • USGS readings are used to measure inflow and outflow.
  • The incoming flow is measured at Mound Road, and the outflow is measured at Borg Road.

What is a Secchi Disc?

A Secchi disc is an 8-inch diameter metal disc painted in alternative black and white quadrants used to measure water clarity.  Water clarity is a quick way to estimate lake health, and it plays an important role in determining the types of plants and animals that a waterbody can support.


General Guidelines:

"Ice On"

In case the lake should be frozen in the morning, after a cold calm night, but then breaks up in the afternoon with wind and sun, I don't count that as a freeze-up date.  However, if a lake freezes on one day, stays frozen for a few days, then breaks up for some days before a final freeze-up for the winter, I record all the freezing and opening dates so that I can determine the total number of days each winter that the lake was covered with ice - regardless of whether it is safe for walking.  In the simplest case, a lake may freeze on one day and then stay frozen all winter.  In some winters, however, the freeze-up process can be quite complex with multiple freezing and openings.

"Ice Off"

The lake is considered thawed when it is possible to boat from any shore to the deepest part of the lake without encountering ice.


Ice On Date - 01/07/2025  Ice Off Date - 03/14/2025

Total Days of Ice Coverage: 66 Days

Below is a hostorical lake ice coverage document.