In 2002 the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission completed "A Lake Management Plan for Delavan Lake". The stated intent of this plan was to "evaluate the combined effects of the various lake management measures implemented in and around Delavan Lake since the early 1980s, and to provide direction for future lake management actions to be carried out by the Town of Delavan and its partner agencies. This lake management plan represents an ongoing commitment by the Town of Delavan, the Delavan Lake Sanitary District, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Wisconsin and the private sector to sound environmental planning".
Quoted from this document's Introduction: "The primary objectives which this plan is intended to achieve are: 1) to contribute to the overall conservation and wise use of Delavan Lake through the environmentally sound management of vegetation, fishes, and wildlife populations in and around the Lake; 2) to provide the potential for high-quality, water-based recreational experiences by residents and visitors to the Lake; 3) to effectively control the severity of nuisances resulting from the recurring excessive aquatic macrophyte and algal growths in portions of the Delavan Lake basin; and 4) to facilitate the conduct of water-based recreational activities, to improve the aesthetic value of the Lake, and to enhance its resource value. This plan should serve as a practical guide over time for achieving these objectives in a technically sound manner."
It has and will continue to guide us.